5 Dental Hygiene Practices You Need to Invest for You and Your Family
When it comes to hygiene, take care of your mouth should be one of your highest priorities. Once your adult teeth grow in, there is no manner of replacing them and retaining that natural feeling. Although the field of stem cell research is evolving and has allowed scientists to grow identical teeth in the lab from the stem cells in your baby teeth, this science is still beyond the reach of the average consumer. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to preserve your baby teeth just in case you need replacements in the future.
The need for exceptional oral health care is weightier than ever when you consider recent studies. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a study in 2009 and found that almost half of all Americans over the age of 30 are suffering periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a terrible affliction that destroys the bones and gums that hold teeth into place. Senior citizens took the cake in poor oral health care. The study suggests that 70% have periodontal disease. The highest risk groups were also less educated, below the poverty line, smokers, and/or people who noted a gender of male and Mexican descent.
Periodontal disease starts with gingivitis. Gingivitis is a condition where a person suffers inflammation along the gumline from the development of plaque that irritates the soft tissue and harbors bacteria. Brushing your teeth regularly, flossing, quitting tobacco use, and using mouthwash are the core methods of retaining oral hygiene. However, these practices are worthless if they are not done correctly. Below, we will share five tips to ensure that you live a long healthy and happy life with your teeth.
#1: Brushing Twice a Day
Brushing your teeth is the tried and true method of removing the harmful bacteria that stews and form acids. These acids then soften your teeth and lead to cavities. As cavities get out of control, the entire tooth can be virtually destroyed in a matter of months if you don't brush and also suffer from poor nutrition. It usually takes 6 months for a cavity to show up after a period of neglect, dry mouth, or overexposure to acidic and bleached sugar-rich foods.
Brushing has to be done in a specific manner to be effective. It is necessary to use a soft toothbrush to ensure you are not brushing away your enamel. It is a wonder why they even sell hard and medium toothbrushes at all when they can be harmful to teeth. Choosing the right fluoride toothpaste is important. A quality brand will foam better and provide better cleaning power. Use gentle natural formula toothpastes without flouride for babies and young children so that they do not feel nauseous from flouride or otherwise uncomfortable.
In order to effectively brush teeth, use a gentle circular motion and focus on each set of teeth, one side at a time. This means that you can start by brushing your teeth on the side facing your right cheek for twenty seconds using this circular pattern. Then, move to the front faces, the left side, the chewing surfaces of the same segments, and finally the inner sides of each set. You will also want to brush your tongue, cheeks, and your gums when you are brushing your teeth.
#2: Flossing Once a Day
It doesn't matter when you floss each day. The important part is that you floss for the same reasons that you want to clean leaves out of your storm gutters. Flossing is not to simply pick food out from between your teeth. The proper technique is to gently slide the floss under the gumline and polish the tooth clean all along the side surfaces that brushing doesn't penetrate very well. A thinner ribbon floss is better than the stuff that looks like fishing line and less likely to cut your gums.
#3: Use Mouthwash After You Brush
Because your throat and tonsils are important parts of your oral health, it is important to do some gargling with the mouthwash near the end. You want to get in the habit of swishing around the proper volume for a minute or so. It is better to pour the mouthwash into a separate cup rather than using the built-in cup, for sanitation purposes. Always rinse with fresh water, bottled water if your tap water isn't sterile. The non-alcoholic mouthwashes are probably better for your health and less likely to dry out your mouth afterwards.
#4: Pulling with Coconut Oil
This ancient Ayurvedic method of oral health is still proving itself useful today. Although virgin coconut oil is calorie dense, high in tropical oil fatty acids, and really doesn't compliment the flavor of many dishes, it has natural anti-bacterial properties that make it great for your oral health. Studies show that swishing around coconut oil in your mouth for 10 minutes each day lowers bacteria associated with decay due to the high levels of lauric acid found in coconut oil.
#5: Buy a Dental Pick Kit
We are living in an age where you can find just about anything you want online. In bygone days, only a dentist would receive medical catalogs with dental health picks. Nowadays, you can purchase a kit made of dental-grade German stainless steel for under $20. This is a great investment that helps you deal with areas that tend to accumulate a lot of plaque quickly because food can sit there for a long time and cake. The biggest trouble spots are on the lower teeth near the gum line and any clustered teeth you may have that are spaced too close together for brushing to work effectively. This will save you time and money in between oral cleanings with the best local dentist.
These are just a few key oral hygiene practices that can be used universally by you and your family to limit the damage and premature wear to your oral surfaces. Guys should remember that girls have really sensitive noses and that oral health should be a number one priority. For women, a beautiful smile goes a long way when you are looking for the best partner. For elderly people who take medications that dry out the mouth, a residual coating of coconut oil from daily pulling and sucking on small ice cubes may help.
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