
7 Common Negative Health Implications Of Drug Addictions In 2022


Drug addiction or substance abuse is something that is enough to ruin your life. That does not mean once you are into this, you do not have a single ray of hope, as there are a bunch of rays. It is never too late if you are determined to quit substance abuse.

In case you are still hesitating whether you will be able to come out of the darkness and start a new life with a new you, here we are to motivate you all the time.

We all are pretty much aware of the fact that drug abuse has some severe effects on our bodies and minds. That is why it is necessary to enroll one into a drug recovery program, detox center, which programs in a way that will help you quit substance abuse.

Common Negative Health Implications Of Drug Addictions In 2022

Now, we are going to talk about the common negative health implications of drug abuse, which you should pay attention to in 2022.

1.    Neurological Issues

Well, the most prominent toll substance abuse takes on us is it invites a lot of neurological issues. After all, drugs are known for controlling the neurological functions of our nervous system. As the brain adapts, the person finds it really difficult to quit substance abuse.

As a result of this, certain changes occur in the brain chemistry and develop a physical dependence on the particular substance. Along with physical dependence, constant usage of addictive substances develops an addiction, which is indeed a brain disorder. It is the most dangerous thing that can happen to you or your loved one. So, try to keep your brain healthy.

2.    Liver Damage

With nutrient metabolization, the liver is involved. At the same time, for several types of consumed substances, it is also the primary site of detoxification. With the constant presence of certain drugs, the human liver might become overwhelmed in its metabolic duties.

As a result, the tissues of this particular organ start to break down. Steroids, inhalants, alcohol, and heroin can rapidly damage the liver, and cause hepatitis or cirrhosis. Liver disease is one of the most common effects of substance abuse or drug addiction.

3.    Kidney Damage

The kidneys work as a filter of your body and filter out all the toxins from your blood. So, isn’t it obvious that they are going to get affected by the dangerous substances, which are present in the blood? Yes, they are, and so, they are.

Some specific drugs are responsible for rhabdomyolysis, which is the breakdown of muscle tissues, which floods the bloodstream with toxin levels of the muscle cell contents. As a result, the kidneys might become overwhelmed and stop filtering toxins, which eventually lead to progressive kidney damage.

4.    Respiratory Problem

If you or your loved one is into smoking any drug, it can harm or damage alveoli in the lungs. Eventually, the upper respiratory system gets exposed to some severe form of infection. Some particular CNS depressants, particularly opioids, can make breathing irregular or shallow.

Opioids or some other CNS depressants, hypoxia, can end up being the result of death. However, it is only in the case of overdoing that specific drug. Due to substance abuse, if a person has depression or a reduced breathing problem for a longer time, their body starves of oxygen and damages other organs.

5.    Gastrointestinal Issues

Drugs or substances, which are ingested orally, like prescription drugs, ADHD medications, opioids, alcohol, can actually leave harmful effects on the digestive system. While some substances are the reasons for indigestion, vomiting, stomach upset, and nausea, opioids are known for chronic constipation.

Frequent substance-related vomiting also leads to severe damage to the esophagus and eventually leads to malnutrition. On the other hand, chronic indigestion is also called GERD or gastrointestinal reflux disease, can really damage the esophagus and make the intake of certain foods really painful.

6.    Infection And Diminished Immune System Function

Usually, drugs are injected intravenously, and it exposes oneself to high risks of several infections, for example, hepatitis B and c, HIV, and other types of bacterial infections. All these are the result of sharing needles.

Some particular types of drugs increase the risks of other infections, such as upper respiratory infections, which are caused by smoking or snorting drugs. At the same time,  euphoria is also associated with several intoxicating substances.

7.    Cardiovascular Problems

Drug addiction often includes the use of some stimulants, which are known for increasing the heart rate of the user. At the same time, CNS depressants can actually slow it down. Consistent low or high blood pressure might also be associated with an increased blood clotting risk.

The list also includes some other circulatory problems like coronary and aortic arterial dissection. Irregular heartbeat is the result of several intoxicating substances. Stimulants, such as methamphetamines or cocaine, can lead to death from cardiac arrest.


We understand how much you are unaware of the facts related to drug addiction or substance abuse. We have tried to help you with the most common physical damages that can be caused by substance abuse.

Now, we are going to answer some questions you might have in your mind.

Q1: What Are The Impacts Of Drug Abuse?

In this article, we have already mentioned the physical effects of drug addiction. Apart from that, drug addiction also takes a serious toll on your mental health. As a result, your entire well-being gets disturbed and hampered.

Q2: What Are The Negative Effects Of Misusing Prescription Drugs?

Just like usual drug abuse, using prescribed drugs for the wrong reason can also leave a serious impact on the health of a person. For example, opioid abuse can actually lead to mood changes, vomiting, inability to think, along with decreased respiratory function, coma, and ultimately death. 

Q3: What Are 3 Environmental Factors That Increase The Risk Of Addiction?

Here are the major environmental factors, which can actually lead to drug or other substance abuse.

  • Social and other stressors.
  • Home and family-related stress.
  • Poor academic or career performance.

Quit Drug Addiction, Stay Healthy

Quitting drugs is the best thing you can do this new year. You can give new, healthier, and wiser things to your family, friends, and loved ones. So, stay healthy and fit by quitting any type of addiction or substance abuse.

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