10 Common Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Alcohol Addiction Recovery Process
Early recovery is a difficult period. Dealing with life on its terms without using alcohol or drugs might bring up a slew of feelings that you might have suppressed with your preferred addiction in the past.
This implies that while in recovery, these implications must be confronted and dealt with while in recovery.
Early recovery may be an actual test of your inner resources, and there are several frequent blunders to avoid to safeguard your freshly discovered recovery.
The Phoenix detox center is one of the best addiction treatment facilities in the country. If you are also thinking about joining an alcohol addiction recovery program, here’s a great place to get started.
What Is Addiction Recovery Process?
When someone says they are in Recovery, they generally refer to the therapy they are undergoing for their drug or alcohol addiction. However, recovery encompasses a wide range of issues. Many individuals equate recovery with "in remission."
Addiction recovery is a transformation process in which people improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and achieve their full potential.
Even persons with severe and persistent drug and alcohol use disorders can overcome their sickness and restore health and social function with the proper support.
Common Mistakes That May Hamper Your Addiction Recovery Process
It frequently takes a great deal of suffering and adverse consequences to get someone into recovery. However, since their addiction has grown terrible enough that they believe they can no longer live that way, you must oversee that they don’t make these mistakes to hamper the recovery.
Let’s find out about them here:
1: Don’t Overcommit To The Process
Now that you are no longer physically addicted to alcohol or drugs, your mental and physical health will improve by leaps and bounds. This implies you'll be feeling a lot better, and you could even believe you're capable of dealing with and taking on anything.
This is a common blunder. Early recuperation is a period of rest and adjustment. Therefore, we believe it is prudent to avoid taking on too many responsibilities in the early stages.
Take it easy at first; healing is not a race. Then, allow yourself some time to acclimate.
2: Don’t Mix With The Old Crowd
You may be eager to demonstrate to your former pals that you can still spend out with them without the use of alcohol or drugs. However, we believe it is prudent to avoid this, especially in the early stages.
If your pals are strong drinkers or drug users, they are unlikely to modify their habits just to accommodate your newfound sobriety.
Be warned that exposure to alcohol and drugs in the early stages might make you feel highly vulnerable. You may begin to feel isolated, which may provoke you to join in.
3: Don’t Think You Are Cured
Nobody ever truly recovers from drinking or addiction. Having a sober and clean period does not guarantee that you will drink or use it safely after a certain period.
You have to remember that your sobriety is dependent on your ability to remain abstinent and the actions you take daily to assist you in achieving this. Those who relapse will eventually return to where they left off, if not worse.
Addiction is a degenerative sickness of the mind and body, and the patient will inevitably become worse over time if they don’t fight their urges daily.
4: Don’t Expect Too Much
You may believe that you used and drank excessively was the source of all your problems. Indeed, this would have had a role, but being addicted to drugs or alcohol is all-consuming.
Now that you're sober and clean, you'll have to cope with life's challenges. After that, life will go on as usual, with no exceptions for your newfound sober status.
We believe that keeping your expectations of sober living modest is a wise approach. This helps to avoid hatred and disillusionment, which can lead to relapse.
5: Don’t Jump Into A New Relationship
Now that you are sober and clean, you may want to replace the void that drugs or alcohol formerly filled in your life. But, unfortunately, starting a new relationship in early recovery is frequently a mistake.
Relationships may elicit a wide range of intense feelings, not all of which are pleasant. Now, they can be challenging to manage if your personal recovery is not yet firmly established.
Early recovery is a period for getting to know yourself and making the necessary changes to avoid resuming drinking and using. If you feel too lonely, it’s better to spend time with a sober coach than enter a new relationship.
6: Don’t Expect Others To Change
Your partner or a close family member may be a strong drinker or user. You may assume that now that you are sober and clean, they would also make efforts to modify their ways and enter treatment.
Remember that no one could have impacted your decision to enter recovery before you were fully prepared.
If you are in a relationship with someone who is still drinking or using heavily, you must consider if it is healthy for your recovery to stay in the relationship. You may also find it best to split ways until they are prepared to change.
7: Don’t Think Of Doing It Alone
Addiction is dependent on the individual's ability to be self-sufficient. In addition, addiction isolates you from people and reality. This may lead you to believe that you do not require assistance and that seeking help is a show of weakness.
Paradoxically, we believe that asking for help requires enormous bravery and fortitude since it requires you to lay aside your pride and let someone else in.
This isn't always simple, primarily if you're used to dealing by relying on your self-esteem. But keep in mind where doing things your way got you, so don’t think of doing it alone this time.
8: Don’t Feel Ashamed To Ask For Help
It takes a lot of guts and trust to seek help. Admitting when you're suffering demands humility as well.
Keep in mind that it is natural not to know how to cope with every difficulty that arises. Therefore, do not feel ashamed if you have difficulty maintaining your sobriety; because everyone suffers.
When you are struggling, you must ask for assistance. Others will be only too happy to respond to a sincere call for help, but until you tell them how you are feeling, they will stay in the dark.
9: Don’t Expect Others To Trust You Right Away
You may be filled with guilt, shame, and remorse for how you acted in the past when suffering from an addiction. While striving to put things right as much as possible is critical, rehashing the past will only make you unhappy.
Gaining the trust of people requires time and effort. Others are more interested in seeing you change for the better than they are in hearing an apology.
Recovery is all about taking action, and by taking action, you may change, and others will notice. However, they may take time to forget the past, so be patient with them.
10: Don’t Think The Hard Part Is Over
You may believe that the hard work is over now that you have managed to stop drinking and using. But, unfortunately, this is a common blunder. As you get more at ease in your sobriety, complacency sets in.
The first step is to abstain from alcohol or drugs. The difficult thing is remaining stopped. This indicates that you must be cautious.
You must continue if you are obtaining assistance or pursuing a rehabilitation program. Sobriety is all about preserving what you have and progressing in your personal growth.
Wrap It Up
Now that we have talked about people's common mistakes in alcohol addiction recovery treatment, do you think you are ready to enter one?
We bet you are. Always remember this is your journey, but you don’t have to do it alone.
Other people are rooting for your wellbeing too. So, have faith, and commit to the process.
For further assistance, connect with us in the comment box.
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