
Health Guide (Page 108)

5 Tips for Selecting Healthy Foods When You Order In

All of us have days when we walk into the house, look into our kitchen and realize that the last thing that we want to do is pull something out of the refrigerator to cook. Sure, it may be healthier but we’re simply too tired to go the extra mile. So, we decide to order in. Here’s the thing, though. Just because you are having food delivered to you, that doesn’t automatically mean that it has to... ❯❯❯

5 Healthy Foods to Pack for a Picnic

This summer is a perfect time to take a picnic – either with your family, your kids, your significant other or even solo. Researchers have just found that one of the best and most effective ways to alleviate stress is to simply go to a park and have a picnic. And when you are choosing the food to bring on your picnic it is important to keep in mind some healthful options. You don’t want to hike a... ❯❯❯

How to prepare for a new healthy lifestyle

Diving into a new health regime can be a little difficult and intimidating, particularly if you haven’t had regular exercise in a while. You might even think that you need to ‘get fit’ in preparation for getting fit, which is probably a good idea. This article goes over some of the aspects of getting prepared for a new fitness regime. Once you’ve taken certain steps, you’ll be ready to hit the... ❯❯❯

Top Five Ways to Try to Prevent Cystitis

In order to understand what you can do to try to prevent cystitis it helps to know what causes cystitis in the first place, to ensure that you avoid these things as best you can. Cystitis can be caused by several things; one of the most common, a bacterial infection, occurs when bacteria enter the bladder and multiply. This often happens if you are unable to empty your bladder properly or... ❯❯❯

The Effects of Global Warming on Your Health

Many people are unaware that the rapidly changing climate is actually affecting their health. Before 40 years ago, people didn’t know or have the resources to understand that global warming can actually affect people’s well being. More and more studies are being reported that show global warming is actually affecting people’s health in a number of different ways. With issues, like extreme heat... ❯❯❯

5 Tips to Help You Achieve Healthy Teeth and Gums

We all know that we’re supposed to brush our teeth at least twice a day, although after every meal is better, and most of us are also aware that flossing and rinsing should be part of the daily routine, as well. What you may not understand (or remember from childhood lessons) is why you are supposed to do these things. Bacteria in your mouth forms plaque on your teeth, and when you eat, food... ❯❯❯

Tips for Chiropractors: Simplify Forms, Streamline Appointment Reminders

Tips from a Personal Injury Attorney: In my many years of working as a personal injury attorney; working with clients immediately after they have experienced traumatic back pain or injuries from car accidents, I have come to realize the importance of creating a seamlesspatient experience. The tips and best practices I have devised for creating a postive client- lawyer relationship can be applied... ❯❯❯

5 Unusual Symptoms of Pregnancy

5 Unusual Symptoms of PregnancyYour pregnancy will be an exciting time filled with anticipation and wonder. This can also be a busy time, so it is important to look after yourself at all stages of your pregnancy. Hormonal changes can play havoc with your body and you may experience things have are totally new to you. Changes to your metabolism, your circulation and fluid retention may affect your eyesight as well as other... ❯❯❯

Best all natural solutions to migraines

The crushing, debilitating pain of a migraine is impossible to ignore. It destroys the ability to function normally, sometimes for days at a time. The causes are varied: a fluctuation in hormones, light that’s too bright or an increased level of stress, to name a few. Regardless of the cause, the result is enlarged blood vessels in the brain that stimulate nerve endings and can mean symptoms like... ❯❯❯

How to Change Your Unhealthy Spending Habits

With a slow economy and a number of other factors, like debt and high overhead costs, it has never been a better time to curb our spending habits. These habits can range from moderately habitual, like quick online impulse buys, to completely compulsive, like collecting something you don’t need or over shopping at the market. Most of the time we don’t even know how much we’re spending, because we... ❯❯❯

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