
Health Guide (Page 121)

Stretching Exercises

Being flexible - having well lubricated joints and stretchable muscles - is one of the best ways to reduce the prospect of injury and give you the basis for a wide variety of workout routines. Your overall goal is to attain good range of motion, while gradually extending that range to a degree appropriate to your fitness level and body type. There are several different ways to accomplish that... ❯❯❯

Physicians, What To Look For

Most articles on fitness, when discussing routines and exercises will recommend consulting a physician first. That isn't just a means of covering the author against potential legal action. It's a recognition of the fact that exercise, done improperly, can be harmful and sometimes you can't get everything you need to know with a few web searches. A medical doctor, especially one that specializes... ❯❯❯

Why Men and Women Should Choose Different Workout Reoutines?

Though stereotypes are dissolving with each generation, there are some that persist - in part, because they are based on real differences between men and women. While some women can and do achieve the upper body strength of some (even very fit) men, the overwhelming majority of males have a natural advantage in this area. Male aesthetic values, the source of which isn't clear, reinforce this and... ❯❯❯

How to Do Leg Exercises?

What kind of leg exercises you do will, of course, depend on your goal. Are you trying to build massive thighs or heart-shaped calves? Do you want to build strength, increase running endurance or improve balance and flexibility? Are you a weight-lifter, a jogger or a ballerina? Naturally, not all goals are mutually exclusive. Building strength can combine well with improving balance, for... ❯❯❯

How to Keep Fit as You Age?

It's a commonplace observation that as you age you have to work harder to keep the pounds off and to stay fit. One major reason is the inescapable biological fact that metabolism slows as we age. Inescapable for now, at least, until medical technology finds some safe way to alter it. Genetic research into aging is trying, in a way, to do just that. Several studies in the last two decades have... ❯❯❯

How to Set Up A Home Gym?

You can enjoy all the benefits of gym membership - a wide variety of equipment and facilities, good advice from staff and other members and the incentive to work out by making the gym a destination. But, you can also enjoy having the ease of access and the absence of a commute by purchasing home gym equipment. But what to buy? If you're just getting into, or back into, a fitness routine, you... ❯❯❯

Fitness and Fluids

Body fluid level is an important component of keeping it in top condition for best performance. As a person exercises, the internal body temperature rises. That triggers the body to release internal fluid to the outside through millions of sweat glands and via heightened respiration. As the high temperature sweat evaporates off the skin, it takes heat with it, cooling the body down again. That... ❯❯❯

What Is Flexibility Training?

Flexibility training involves performing a series of exercises that help maximize range of motion and muscle stability. The benefits are improved blood flow in the muscles and lower risk of injury. There are three basic types of stretching exercises that help accomplish these goals: static, dynamic and Isometric/PNF. Static stretches are the most traditional type, encompassing the more or less... ❯❯❯

Should I Exercise During Pregnancy?

Exercise throughout the entire nine months is healthy for most women - provided they exercise (pun intended) the proper caution. Mild exercise, of types appropriate to the various stages, will help keep the circulatory system healthy, increase pelvic muscle tone and strength, and help to smooth out mood swings. Done right, you can lessen the severity of backaches, keep joints flexible and firm,... ❯❯❯

How to Control Diabetes with Exercise

Many factors contribute to the onset of diabetes, including genetic predisposition and diet. But exercise can help reduce the odds of getting and the severity of this disease. Diabetes comes in two types, Type I and Type II. In either case, the body has difficulty regulating the level of blood glucose. Glucose is the primary source of energy for the body's activities. One basic reason is the... ❯❯❯

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