
Natural Healing and Acupuncture

For over twenty years, Natural Healing and Acupuncture clinic has assisted Los Angeles patients boost fertility rates and ease hormonal disturbances. Acupuncture for fertility operates to restore and mend fertility and pregnancy-related afflictions with natural and stress free services. Our treatments cure endorphin imbalances and reduce stress to boost pregnancy rates.

The mind often affects the body with producing a healthy flux of endorphins and sex hormones like estrogen. Acupuncture for fertility effectively locates endorphin centers and improves reproductive health. Infertility is often linked to a lack of blood flow to the uterus. Similar to how acupuncture mends a stress-ridden endorphin centers, acupuncture increases blood flow and softens the uterus for pregnancy. Therapy for fertility is holistic with lifestyle coaches offering nutritional advice and tips for relaxation. Our natural healers provide proactive and engaged treatment for not only women, but men too!

One in ten men suffer from fertility issues linked to hormonal imbalances and stress. Acupuncture operates in the same for men as women’s fertility health---targeting the endocrine system to increase testosterone and sperm health. Our male fertility specialists work to create hassle-free sessions ensuring a peaceful environment. Male reproductive health is postured on staying balanced and relaxed most of all---so Natural Healing and Acupuncture clinic works to build well-round treatments for our West Los Angeles clientele! Contact us for tips and strategies about building an energized lifestyle with natural and personalized acupuncture treatments.

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