
Health Benefits of Making Your Own Brewed Coffee

With coffee being the most traded product globally, it is safe to say that the beverage is well-loved by many, if not the majority of the world. Consequently, the consumption of the drink has since gone beyond a simple pick-me-up. Now, enthusiasts and connoisseurs of all kinds enjoy coffee for the experience and flavor, not paying much attention to the effectiveness of caffeine.

Because coffee is so popular, it has inspired countless creative and business-minded people to maximize the product in different ways. For example, instant coffee is a commercial success, and you can discover a specialty coffee shop in almost any place you visit. There is also an abundance of coffee-inspired products everywhere. Additionally, with caffeine items being a staple for many, you are sure to find one in almost all households.

The world of coffee is so vast that it can be overwhelming. The list of coffee-related products is endless. However, it is always advisable to get back to the basics and enjoy a cup of joe brewed by yourself. First, you can guarantee that it is suited to your liking and tweak it accordingly, but most importantly, it is the healthier option with the most guaranteed benefits. Nowadays, several ingredients are put into coffee; we can't be sure of their effects on our bodies and whether they come in appropriate amounts. So, brewing your own serving is the safest and healthiest way to enjoy your coffee, and here we will tell you exactly why.

Enhances Your Energy Levels Healthily

The most common use of coffee is for waking one up and giving them much-needed energy to conquer the day. However, there are instances where caffeine does the opposite and makes some drinkers even more tired after their last sip. This phenomenon is counterproductive and defeats the true potential of coffee and its caffeine content. Some argue that the undesirable effect is due to dehydration, but it can also be attributed to less than optimal coffee-making skills or incorrect measurements and procedures.

By brewing your own coffee, you can adjust your caffeine intake according to your needs. Additionally, it will be easier for you to check if the process and measurements are correct to get the most out of the caffeine cup, in contrast to energy drinks, which are unhealthy ways to get that jolt of energy since they are mostly sugar. On the other hand, coffee wakes you up on a molecular level without harming your body and even boosts your performance. It does so by inhibiting the hormones that make you sleepy temporarily. 

Lowers Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Depression, And Weight Gain

The effects of coffee are not merely fleeting, especially if it is a regular in your routine. In fact, long-term consumption of the beverage has multiple health benefits that have prolonged and permanent effects on one's well-being. For example, research has shown that consistent drinking of coffee decreases the risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes. It is due to the substance's ability to preserve beta cells in the pancreas, in turn regulating blood sugar levels. Additionally, caffeine hosts several antioxidants that impact metabolism, inflammation, and insulin sensitivity, which are symptoms commonly associated with diabetes.

Coffee is also acquainted with lower chances of depression and weight gain, making the effects of the product both physical and mental. Surprisingly, even consuming just one to two cups a day can significantly affect one's mental health and prevent them from becoming suicidal and becoming obese. However, these benefits are only guaranteed with brewed coffee as other related items have ingredients and components that compromise these advantages.

Promotes Liver, Heart, And Brain Health

The benefits of coffee continue to other organs as well. Experts claim that it even has defensive mechanisms against neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, and cognitive decline. However, this also comes with regular consumption of the beverage in its pure form, not from manufactured products and those with large amounts of sugar. This is why making your own cup is ideal, especially if drinking coffee is a non-negotiable in your life.

The advantages are not exclusive to brain matters but also affect the liver and heart. There is a common misconception that since some people palpitate with 'too much caffeine,' it is detrimental to heart health. As a matter of fact, regular drinkers can also benefit from a reduced risk of heart disease and lessened susceptibility to heart failure and strokes. Of course, these result from moderate amounts in timely intervals, as overdosing on the substance is quite dangerous.

As little as two cups of freshly brewed coffee a day can decrease the chances of liver failure, cancer, scarring, and chronic disease. Additionally, it helps those who already have such symptoms manage their condition. The optimal amount for these individuals would be as many as four cups if needed. Any number above that would be harmful to one's health.

Assured Safety And Freshness

As convenient as it would be to trust our baristas, there is no doubt that we can only be entirely sure of the safety of our very own freshly brewed cup of coffee. There are numerous ways to prepare the beloved beverage; the healthiest is to do it ourselves. First, you can check the quality of the beans firsthand and guarantee that every step of the process follows proper procedures and is sanitary. Additionally, you see what goes into every sip.

Hot water is a common component of coffee, and most coffee drinkers assume that since the liquid is heated, it is safe for consumption. However, that is not always the case, as even the water we drink undergoes various processes with different machines to guarantee it is safe to drink. That is why using filtered water for coffee is crucial. Otherwise, we run the risk of contamination and become susceptible to bacteria and diseases. On the same note, when brewing our own coffee, we can make sure other additions such as sugar, sugar substitutes, milk, and milk alternatives are healthy and fitting.

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