
7 Ways to Stay Healthy

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They say health is wealth, and rightfully so. Even if you have all the riches in the world, you can only enjoy it if you have your health. Health is not just the absence of diseases. It goes deeper than that – your organs and body functions should function properly, you should neither be underweight nor overweight, your metabolism and blood sugar level be right, you should feel energetic and active, etc.

In today’s busy world, taking care of your health can be challenging. People are either too busy or too ignorant about how to care for their health. Most adults do not pay attention to their health, leading to some serious, even life-threatening, consequences.

Don’t worry; we are here to help you. If you are looking for ways to stay healthy, here are seven of them.

  • Annual Checkups:

It is necessary to get your checkup done by your family doctor or healthcare provider annually or biannually. Even if you feel well, you should still go for your checkup because this can help detect diseases early on. Regular screenings, tests, mammograms, etc., will let your doctor find out if anything seems wrong at the beginning stages when it is controllable and even curable.

A good and experienced family nurse or healthcare provider can improve your health status. An expert healthcare provider with a degree from some elite online DNP FNP programs can provide the best care to their patients. They will ensure that you have taken all the necessary tests and vaccinations.

  • Balanced Diet:

Including plant-based food and vegetables in your diet can improve your health. You do not need to cut off meat completely. Have a balanced diet. Eat a combination of whole grains, vegetables, meat, fruit, and legumes. Adults should consume at least five portions of vegetables and fruits daily. But don’t forget to take your protein as well.

For a balanced diet, incorporate meat, eggs, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables in your meals. Get all the required nutrients. This will reduce your chances of having diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, type 2 diabetes, blood pressure issues, malnutrition, stroke, heart disease, and cancer.

  • Avoiding Harmful Fats:

Out of your total energy intake, fats should be less than 30%. There are different types of fats found in different food items. Fat is either saturated, unsaturated, or trans-fat. Among these three, unsaturated fats are preferable. Avoiding fats can prevent weight gain and chances of other non-communicable diseases. According to WHO, less than 10% of saturated fats should be a part of the total consumed energy. And trans-fats should be less than 1% of total energy consumption.

Eat things with unsaturated fats such as nuts, avocado, fish, sunflower and soybean, olive oil, canola oil, etc. Avoid things like cream, cheese, fatty meat, butter, etc. that are high in saturated fats. Trans-fats are present in bakery items, fried things, and pre-packaged snacks such as cookies, frozen pizzas, spreads, etc. Consuming the right fats in the right quantity will improve your health.

  • More Activity:

Being active can result in better health. If you sit on a chair the whole day, at work, or have a sedentary lifestyle, you should build a habit of moving your body frequently after specific time intervals. You don't need to run a marathon daily to have health benefits. Taking stairs instead of a lift or elevator, brisk walking for a few minutes, stretching every few minutes while sitting, etc. are all little things that have big results.

Make it a target to have physical activity for at least 150 minutes weekly, 300 minutes for even more benefits. Moving more will improve your health by reducing and maintaining weight, increasing concentration and focus, better sleep quality, increasing productivity, stronger immune system, and less depression, stress, and anxiety. It can prevent many chronic diseases.

  • Focusing on Mental Health:

A healthy mind equals a healthy life. Mental health is as important as physical health. If you do not put effort into improving your mental health, all efforts to improve physical health will go in vain. Bad mental health can trap you in the spirals of depression and anxiety. And often leads to the development of harmful habits and behavioral patterns. When you eat right, live healthy, and exercise, all these things positively affect your mental health.

Stress is the biggest factor in deteriorating mental health. So put your energies into managing stress. Talk to a therapist or someone you trust. Stop getting overwhelmed by things you can’t control, do things you enjoy, focus on long-term goals, learn breathing or meditation relaxation techniques, etc. All these will have a good impact on your mental and physical health.

  • Building Muscles:

Your muscle mass decreases, naturally, as you age. Strength training can help build muscle mass or maintain it. With two or three training sessions of 20-30 minutes, you will gain advantages such as building more muscle mass, increasing joint flexibility, stronger bones, reduced weight, and better balance. You do not need fancy equipment or big machinery to build muscle mass. You can achieve this without even going to the gym. At home, do weight exercises such as crunches, squats, lunges, push-ups, and step exercises, and you will be able to gain muscle mass.

  • Abandoning Bad Habits:

You should know that being healthy is a lifestyle change, requiring some serious, big efforts. You must be aware of the harmful effects of smoking, drinking, etc. If you are serious about your health, it is time you give up your bad habits. Even stress-eating junk foods, and irregular sleeping schedules, are bad habits.

When you do something you enjoy, your brain releases dopamine, which is the chemical that creates cravings. And when you repeatedly do something, good or bad, that makes your brain release dopamine, it becomes a habit. That is why bad habits are very hard to give up because of dopamine cravings. But exercising self-control can take you to places you can’t imagine. Try to switch your bad habits with enjoyable good habits, and seek professional or family’s and friends’ help if it’s too serious.


Health is not just the number on the scale. Your mental health, habits, and behavioral health all add to your physical health. It can be daunting to go the extra mile to stay healthy, but it is worth it. If you take care of your health, only then will you be able to achieve bigger things in life. If you are looking for easy ways to take care of your health, these seven things will help you.

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