
Health Guide (Page 51)

Kava: Dosage, Benefits, and Side Effects

Kava: Dosage, Benefits, and Side EffectsFor several years, Pacific Islanders have explored the benefits of kava. During ceremonies, it was used to improve relaxation. In recent times, this product gained more recognition and attention due to its stress-reducing and relaxing properties. But, many have linked some health issues or concerns to its use. Therefore, several questions have been asked about the safety of this product. This... ❯❯❯

5 Things You'll Find in Any Modern OR

5 Things You'll Find in Any Modern ORThe operating room (OR) has come a long way from the days of ominous stainless steel tables in a room filled with a mere few tools in comparison to the myriad of people and equipment found in a modern-day OR. The modern-day OR is full of highly skilled individuals with expert knowledge and top-of-the-range equipment that's only improving to meet the ever-changing demands of healthcare and patient... ❯❯❯

Nurse Burnout: What Is It And Why You Should Care

Nurse Burnout: What Is It And Why You Should CareNurses are caring professionals and are constantly battling a fast-paced and stressful work environment. And with the world still fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses worldwide are at the frontlines, responding to difficult and stressful situations for more than a year now without rest. Nurses are now even more at risk of burnouts that can impact their performance in providing care. This... ❯❯❯

Common Health Issues in Children That Should Not Cause You to Panic

New babies are good at crying. New parents are good at panicking over babies crying. It is an invirtuous cycle that has been going on from the dawn of time, and will go on until humans are extinct. Nothing you read here is going to stop you from losing your stuff the first time you hear that piercing shriek from your baby declaring that there is something wrong. Indeed, there will be something... ❯❯❯

Avoid Unhealthy Behaviors in Managing Stress and Do It Right

Avoid Unhealthy Behaviors in Managing Stress and Do It RightStress is normal, and it’s something that everyone experiences. When you face problems, challenging situations, or things out of your comfort zone, the body will react to it, which is what we know as stress. Its symptoms may vary, but the most common are: dizziness and headaches high blood pressure sleeping difficulties exhaustion body pains muscle tension stomach problems Without... ❯❯❯

A Comprehensive Guide to Elbow Arthroscopy

A Comprehensive Guide to Elbow ArthroscopyAre you experiencing elbow pain? While this pain can be treated with various non-surgical treatments, sometimes, surgery is the only alternative left to patients. There is a special type of surgery for resolving elbow joint problems, called arthroscopy. This word is a compound of two Greek words, arthro, meaning joint, and skopein, meaning to look. When translated from Greek, this word means... ❯❯❯

DonorEase Medical Products and Equipment Online

DonorEase Medical Products and Equipment OnlineMany self-insurers have various options when it comes to buying and arranging medical equipment and products for their injured employees. Some source their equipment from the stores, and others order online for more convenience. Tapping into some network of ancillary companies and product providers is possible today with the help of technology and the internet, and they can be helpful in your... ❯❯❯

The Impact of Locum Tenens on Healthcare

The Impact of Locum Tenens on HealthcarePerceptions regarding locum tenens work have evolved and changed over time. While it may not have been referred to as such in the past, the tradition behind healthcare experts standing in for their contemporaries is a practice that has existed for many years. At certain junctures, they've been viewed as unemployable, unskilled, or unfocused. However, many consider them now as heroes because... ❯❯❯

9 Post-Surgery Items That Make Recovery Easier

9 Post-Surgery Items That Make Recovery EasierProper preparation can make recovering from surgery easier on you and your loved ones. You likely don’t feel up to doing much in the days following the surgery, which is why it’s so important to run all your errands and do all your prep work beforehand. Here are nine things that can make your surgery recovery a breeze: By Burlingham / Medications Your surgeon will almost... ❯❯❯

Root Canal Infection — A Quick Guide

Root Canal Infection — A Quick GuideYou take a hearty bite out of a crunchy chocolate chip cookie, and instead of delight — ouch! Do you feel excruciating pain after the first sip of your hot morning coffee? Discomfort from eating, exposure to hot or cold temperatures, or persistent agony that just won’t go away might send you on an emergency visit to the dentist. But don’t worry — modern technologies, such as digital x-rays, can... ❯❯❯

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