Is The Water Coming Out of My Tap Safe?
Most people prefer bottled to tap water because they are not sure if tap water can be trusted. They don't know that well-treated tap water is more beneficial to the body and the environment than bottled water.
Tap water is safe for drinking, provided that it is well treated. It would also help to install an under-sink water filter to keep your water from contaminants.
The safety of your tap water depends on your location. Some cities have drinkable tap water, while others provide water that is only good for domestic activities except drinking and cooking.
Sources of Tap Water
There are three sources of tap water. They are surface water from streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs or from underground sources, such as springs or wells, recycled water.
Tap Water Quality
Tap water is safe for drinking, provided it is from the municipal water supply. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA ) is invested with the power to monitor all public water and set health guidelines on its quality.
The EPA regulations can not protect you if your tap is from a private well but investing in an under-sink water filter, a water-testing kit can and regular water analysis will keep you informed and safe.
A water treatment plant is a place where water undergoes treatment to eliminate and reduce the level of contaminants in water.
Plant-treated water is not free from contaminants, but the level of the contaminants is not harmful to health.
Signs That Your Water Is Not Safe for Drinking
If you suspect your water may be unsafe for drinking, don't drink it until your confidence is restored. It is advisable to send it to a water laboratory for water analysis.
However, there are visible signs that your water's quality is compromised and is unfit for drinking.
● Change in taste and smell
A change in your water taste and smell might indicate the addition of something new or an increase in the usual chemical concentration.
A sweet taste indicates a high level of manganese sulfate, and an increase in magnesium sulfate gives a salty taste. Metallic taste results from iron and other minerals, and hydrogen sulfide and high chlorine concentration can give your water a bad smell.
All these problems can be solved by under the sink water filter.
● Sediments and Cloudiness
Cloudy water is safe to drink but only when the cause of the cloudiness is trapped air bubbles which should naturally go away after 24 hours.
If tap water is cloudy, discolored, and contains sediments, it could indicate the presence of lethal heavy metals in high concentrations. This could also be caused by damaged plumbing, especially if your pipes are made of copper.
Side Effects of Taking Contaminated Tap Water
Contaminated water exposes people to water-borne diseases and infections. Symptoms are;
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Stomach pain and cramps.
Precautions When Your Tap Water is Unsafe to Drink
- Boil water for at least one minute before use.
- Bottled water is a better option for drinking, dental hygiene, and cooking when tap water is compromised.
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