Most Americans are looking to lose at least a little bit of weight these days. There’s a real obesity epidemic going on, and it’s impacting people at younger and younger ages. A large part of the answer can be found in exercise, as thirty minutes of moderate exercise each and every day has been shown to improve health across the board and help avoid the build up of fatty deposits in the body. But... ❯❯❯
Some of those who are diagnosed as having an anxiety disorder may not want to resort to medication immediately, and often try herbal remedies first. Here we take a look at some of the natural ways that you can help soothe your anxiety problems. Vitamin B Vitamin B is actually a group of B vitamins that are essential for a whole range of things within the body. They are good for breaking down... ❯❯❯
In an ideal world, we would all be able to accept our differences and not worry too much about what we look like. Of course, this is far from being an ideal world and it is perfectly understandable that the vast majority of people do worry about how they look and what image they present to the world. Being confident in your look is a very important thing and it is easy to see why so many people... ❯❯❯
Are you enamored with the groundbreaking technology used in the medical field? Then you might want to consider turning that interest into your career. And one of the best options out there is radiology. Radiology basically encompasses things like the MRI and the x-ray, medical imaging techniques that give doctors the tools to diagnose diseases and ailments. Radiology technology can even be used... ❯❯❯
Regardless of the amount of exercise you incorporate in your life and the healthy balance of your diet, no matter the amount of plastic surgery you undertake or the spiritual journeys you attempt, aging in inescapable. It’s a natural part of life, and thanks to modern medicine, more and more people in every generation experience life at an advanced age. Because of that, menopause has become a... ❯❯❯
Regardless of the plentiful resources right at your fingertips, modern society isn’t built with your health and wellness in mind. Sure, there are gyms with qualified personal trainers in every town, supermarkets that now stock organic foods, healthy options for every type of meal and a myriad of classes, courses and mobile apps to help you meet your health goals. But most people are too busy to... ❯❯❯
Your first step in helping someone who is having a seizure is to remain calm. It might be terrifying to witness at first, but remaining calm, collected and prepared might save that person’s life. There are a number of reasons why someone might be having a seizure, but the most common is a condition called epilepsy. There is a surprising percentage of the population with epilepsy and at least 10%... ❯❯❯
Snoring, strange smells, big feet… Midwifes will tell you about some pregnancy symptoms during your antenatal appointments but there are certain things expecting women usually only discover first hand! 1. Pregnant women smell different! The changes going on within our bodies and hormones can cause us to smell more musky or ‘earthy’ when we’re pregnant. The smell is emitted in our sweat and... ❯❯❯
If you’ve just joined a gym in an attempt to improve your health and get fitter, firstly: congratulations! You’ve made an excellent decision and a very positive step towards a new, healthy you. Gyms are the perfect place to kick-start your health regime, whether you’re in the Sussex countryside or the heart of central London. Wherever you are and whichever gym you’ve chosen, there are some... ❯❯❯
To an outsider the health care system in the US can appear bewildering. Unlike other countries, there is no policy of social medicine or a National Health Service open to all. In order to get treatment, a patient needs to have some form of health insurance in place or be able to meet the costs of their care out of their own pockets. Aspects of Care Emergency Room: The majority of hospitals... ❯❯❯