Resting enough allows your mind to refresh itself and your body to recharge. It is also imperative to get regular sleep, since it is just as important to your well being as eating a healthy diet or getting regular exercise. When you sleep well, you feel emotionally more balanced and you are better at connecting with people. Yet, over 50% of all adult men and women get less than 7 hours of sleep... ❯❯❯
For many years it was commonly assumed that the world we perceive was produced solely through our eyes, and it was not until Edme Mariotte’s discovery of the so called ‘blind spot’ in the 1660s that we began to realise that perhaps it wasn’t just our eyes doing all the work. In fact, quite a large proportion of what we see is produced by our brains; our eyes send a thoroughly incomplete report... ❯❯❯
Nursing is never an easy job. It is a combination of mental and physical pressure. That is why nurses are required to be mentally and physically fit. However, the nursing job itself is a threat to the physical wellness of nurses. It has a spot on the top ten professions that are high risk for acquiring back injury. Most back injuries in the nursing profession are not fatal but some of them are... ❯❯❯
In recent years, energy drinks have become increasingly popular. In fact, energy drink sales in America have more than doubled in the last five years. However, many people are unaware of the health risks associated with energy drinks, which are largely attribute to large quantities of caffeine and sugar. Do Energy Drinks Work? Most energy drinks contain large amounts of caffeine and sugar. Both... ❯❯❯
For many people, getting into shape is perceived as an isolated pursuit and not something that requires them to change their whole way of life. In other words, these people will look at ways in which they can improve their health; by running on a treadmill a couple of times a week and see that as enough. Or they will hope to get slimmer just by cutting a few simple carbs out of their diet – not... ❯❯❯
cc licensed flickr photo shared by mikebaird Fitness and motivational experts know that good health creates a foundation for professional and personal success. Healthy lifestyle and diet habits lead to increased attention and memory, a stronger immune system and more energy – all factors that contribute to achieving success. Numerous studies on health and well-being report that just a few basic... ❯❯❯
With more number of obese people in the world, thanks to a sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet, people are desperately looking for measures to lose weight. With almost everyone using their own common sense into the matter, the world is filled with thousands of ways to reduce weight as well as some myths. Some common myths which are prevalent in the weight loss circle are Myth 1. Eat Less To... ❯❯❯
The very thought of a strict diet can put you off your mission to lose weight. Going on a diet doesn’t mean that you have to eat less. What you have to do is balance your calorie intake in such a way that you don’t put on weight. The easiest way in which you can do this is by food swaps. You can swap one food for another and lower your calorie intake significantly. There are several easy food... ❯❯❯
There’s one in every office – the Desktop Gardener. Their cubicle closely resembles a National Park, with each one of their 20 plants perfectly manicured and expertly fed and watered. We often wonder if they do work other than looking after their plants. However, far from not doing any work, the Desktop Gardener may actually be more productive than everyone else at work. Having a plant (or ten)... ❯❯❯
Being a beginner in weight lifting or MMA can be tough. There is so much to be concerned about that it might get a little overwhelming at times. If you are a beginner trying to get started, getting suspension trainers would be your best option. Find out why by reading this article. Getting Started First and foremost, most beginners are on this patch alone. They don’t really feel at ease working... ❯❯❯