
Health Guide (Page 77)

Advance Your Career and Become a Nurse Practitioner

Working as a nurse can fill you with a sense of pride. There is nothing quite like being in a position where you can help others. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of tasks that you are unable to handle when you are a nurse. Advancing your career is as simple as taking time to learn more about careers for FNP program graduates. Becoming a nurse practitioner can open up many doors for your... ❯❯❯

Eyelashes are the Window Dressing of Your Soul

Eyelashes are beautiful when you add extensions and enhancements like a full set of mink lashes for a special day.  While some might think that the added attention to the eyes is superfluous, after trying them, many women wonder why it took them so long to join in on the fun.  For those who are put off by the cost of the initial application and subsequent upkeep, there is a way to have the look... ❯❯❯

The Top 10 Causes of Hearing Loss

The Top 10 Causes of Hearing LossThere are a wide range of causes of hearing loss, which can be immediate or gradual and will vary with impact. Most causes can be found by examining the ear and finding out where the problem or damage is within the ear. No matter the severity or cause of the hearing loss, it is vital to seek medical help to prevent it from getting worse or becoming permanent. Here are the top 10 most common... ❯❯❯

Juicing Myths Debunked Once And For All

Juicing Myths Debunked Once And For AllJuicing can seem like an attractive option for many people who want to get healthier and maybe even lose a little weight. However, there are so many myths flying around about juicing, that it can be hard to decipher whether it’s right for you or not. Plus, there are right and wrong ways to go about this kind of thing. In this post we’re going to debunk those juicing myths once and for all. Myth:... ❯❯❯

Sleep and Weight Loss – How 40 Winks can Help You Drop those 40 Pounds

Sleep and Weight Loss – How 40 Winks can Help You Drop those 40 PoundsIt’s a common fact of life today that many folks don’t really get the full amount of sleep they really need. Whether it’s trying to catch up with work, or binge-watching a favorite TV show, the results are essentially the same. Indeed, even those who blindly swear they sleep enough are often found to be suffering from the lack of it. And this is unfortunate, as getting your head down for a good... ❯❯❯

5 Relaxation Techniques To Use Before A Medical Examination

Each year, more than 40 million American adults undergo a preventative health examination (PHE). The purpose of these procedures is to screen for potential concerns, helping patients to feel reassured of their good physical condition and allowing doctors to identify problems as early as possible. No matter how well they know their doctor, and no matter how many times they may have visited them... ❯❯❯

Is IVF Your Road to a Baby?

The desire to have a baby is high up on the list for millions of women (and their significant others for that matter). That said dreams of starting a family can sometimes turn to disappointment, a disappointment that ends up taking shape due to a number of reasons. One of the complications to having a baby is a rather simple, yet painful obstacle. For many women, they find it all but physically... ❯❯❯

Living With Your Disability: 5 Tips To Help Achieve Financial Security

Living With Your Disability: 5 Tips To Help Achieve Financial SecurityWheelchair Disability Picture Disability can strike at any time, and it can cause horrendous physical and emotional stress. Part of that emotional stress often comes from the fact of knowing that you can’t return to your previous occupation. Without a full-time wage, it’s going to be difficult to maintain healthy finances, which is worrying! So, here are just a few basic tips to help you on your... ❯❯❯

A LPNs Role in the Workplace

LPNs, or Licensed Practical Nurses, are an integral part of the healthcare system. While the position may not seem as glamorous as that of a physician or registered nurse, it's often the LPN that develops the sincerest and most caring relationship with the patient. That's because the LPN is the one that offers comforting bedside manner, and they're the first ones to answer the call when the... ❯❯❯

Sinus Pain: Four Creative Ways To Help Relieve It

Sinus Pain: Four Creative Ways To Help Relieve ItPhoto by BruceBlaus It can be difficult to explain the way that chronic sinus issues damage your life. Most people can sympathize with the idea of feeling bunged up. We all go through it with the annual winter cold. They can acknowledge how uncomfortable it is, the way that it damages your ability to speak properly. They may even recognize the idea that with less of a sense of smell, food... ❯❯❯

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